Still, for some patients of the Meharry clinic, hopes can run high.
Seeing the probe should've given him heart, but at this point, hope was running quite thin in the water.
Throughout the West, hopes are running high for far-reaching negotiated cuts in nuclear and conventional arms.
But Thirg had learned from long and bitter experience not to let his hopes run too high about anything.
I believe she was, yes-I believe-but perhaps I'm letting hope run away with reason.
No hope they could run the ship themselves.
Though that office had been a plum for Scaurus, whose hopes ran beyond the army life losing it did not cast him into despair.
"You don't want to allow hopes to run ahead of realities."
Now, in places like Crescent Valley, hopes are running fervent that the tide will turn again.
Still, among those who support the Harlem initiatives, hopes are running high.