Finally, after a hopeful look at the door he picked it up.
When he saw her, a hopeful look came into his eyes.
From the hopeful looks on their faces, they didn't yet understand how little anyone could really do to help them.
She looked up at Geran, who had a desperately hopeful look on her face.
Still, I would say the area you're heading for looks hopeful.
"Maybe after they've been here a while, they'll decide to stay and run the operation themselves," Martin said, giving her a hopeful look.
So was the eager, hopeful look on his brother's face when he saw him.
Coming out with raised hands, the man with the high hat gave a hopeful look back to the street from which they had come.
Counselor suddenly had a hopeful look on her face, enough to break my heart.
Cal took a long, hopeful look at the empty sidewalk.