You will be hopelessly compromised if you are seen stalking about Bath at dawn.
Unless she was very much mistaken, her Murdoch project had taken a sharp detour, and might very well already be hopelessly compromised.
Is the Project hopelessly compromised, or can the scattered outposts reconnect and replace the missing headquarters?
Mr. Mazowiecki began his term by pledging to give opportunities to all those not hopelessly compromised by the old system.
No new man can learn what we do until he's hopelessly compromised.
Many a fine, loyal citizen has been hopelessly compromised by foreign blabbermouths.
If I was seen to follow, I would be hopelessly compromised.
He is hopelessly compromised by going around with the chief executive of one of the biggest corporations supplying transport.
If Marion insisted on going to the prison she would be hopelessly compromised.
None of their questions mattered now, because their mission was hopelessly compromised by the arrival of Starfleet.