Other controls adjust horizontal and vertical alignment and size, "color temp" and other settings.
The westbound route, particularly, suffers from poor horizontal and vertical alignment due to its original function as an old single carriageway.
In the most usual, horizontal alignment, this means that the white stripe is placed above the red one.
The measurement of uniformity is done using a predefined length of string line (normally the same length used in horizontal alignment) along the track.
The earliest widely known Chinese publication using horizontal alignment was the magazine Science (科學).
All newspapers in China changed from vertical to horizontal alignment on January 1, 1956.
Most publications are now printed in horizontal alignment, like English.
Horizontality - The use of horizontal alignment in landscaping, rather than relying on vertical structuring.
In planning the route the horizontal and vertical alignments will make use of the best ground and water conditions.
It is the first to have a horizontal alignment, and it is 17 times faster than the Game Boy Color, which was released in 1998.