The horizontal columns have many categories pertinent to religion, mythology and magick given in some 32-parts each.
These upright pillars of stone, of the finest proportions, supported an archivault of horizontal columns which formed a kind of half-vaulted roof above the sea.
In 2009, the trophy went through a major renovation as the badges were organized to have nine horizontal columns with vertical rows.
The posters present contrasting black-and-white horizontal columns with descriptions of the city accompanied by plus and minus symbols, the idea being that the positives outweigh the negatives.
The new combat boxes continued to be used, but groups were placed in a horizontal column and stacked at increasing altitude to decrease their vulnerability to attack.
She used the numbers 1 and 2 to mark both the horizontal and vertical columns.
In the horizontal columns a card may be moved to any other card in the column as long as it's in descending numerical sequence.
The dragon spread his wings, banked about, and fired forth a horizontal column of flame that seared the oncom- ing goblins.
Finally, most works also incorporate horizontal columns of delicate, nervous lines, which usually resolve themselves into contour drawings of roughly shorn tree trunks.