The control column was on the mid-line between the seats, with a horizontal extension that could be rotated over either position.
Wide area transmission can be viewed as a horizontal extension of the smart grid.
The rear sights also featured folding horizontal extensions to give a degree of lead suitable for firing against aircraft.
Finally, the large format of his canvases goes back to the origins of landscape painting with the horizontal extension [4].
He is pursuing horizontal extensions of existing businesses: a bigger library of films, a larger footprint in cable.
This cave is the largest in the valley, totaling 4,740 m of horizontal extension and elevation of 176m.
The primary difference is the horizontal extension at the center which relies on beam action to provide mechanical stability.
With robotic precision, they execute a pirouette, rotating their enormous wings into full horizontal extension, and accelerate, disappearing instantly from view.
Finally, major and rapid horizontal extension lifts the terrain isostatically and isothermally.
The enclosed cabin had dual controls, a single central control column being shared via horizontal extensions.