Also, the horizontal stroke of the component is written first in all instances.
These tools do not allow for horizontal strokes because that would damage the leaf.
Where the 1 is written with a long upstroke, the number 7 has a horizontal stroke through the vertical line.
It has short verticals with no serifs, and long horizontal strokes.
The short horizontal stroke of the L stopped against one of the long walls, near the door.
This character has a long horizontal stroke, so it cannot have a hook to the right.
Follow a group of about six horizontal strokes with a single upward stroke to join them all.
He would take two cards and lean them against each other, making an A without the horizontal stroke.
This letter is present in the inscription at least 3 times, and each time it appears with 4 horizontal strokes.
At the top, a horizontal stroke from left to right.