Where you have a fairly long shelf, it is wise to add a horizontal back support.
With the first support up, cut the horizontal back support so it will fit snugly between the side pieces.
The completed bridge features lattice bracing over the deck, which enabled the design to have both vertical and horizontal support at a low cost.
The golden-mantled tamarin is an arboreal, diurnal species ranging through the understory, moving by quadrupedal walk and leap, mainly on small horizontal supports.
Its 46-foot mast and 28-foot boom (the sail's horizontal support) allowed for an immense sail of 615 square feet.
From technological point of view: providing vertical and horizontal semantic support in order to perform model transformations.
Mounted alongside are horizontal supports for the glasses' temple pieces.
One horizontal support came completely loose and crashed to the cave floor.
Girder is the term used to denote the main horizontal support of a structure which supports smaller beams.
The most important points are, first, we want to maintain horizontal support by the social fund.