Unlike the situation in males, hormonal function and potential for fertility are synchronous in females.
The size of a pea, it secretes hormones, and invaded by a tumor, it can halt or speed any hormonal function, drastically affecting bodily functions.
The percentage of essential body fat for women is greater than that for men, due to the demands of childbearing and other hormonal functions.
It has been associated with the incidence of cancer and hepatic disorders, and it severely disrupts hormonal function.
This can mean many things because you can inherit your body type, shape, and hormonal function from your parents.
Stress and our inability to cope with it can be an important cellulite trigger because it affects the hypothalamus 'master gland' which controls all other hormonal functions.
She was a pioneer in the study of brain electrical activity and hormonal function in social processes, such as the development of status hierarchies in small social groups.
A third way that lectins contribute to ageing is their effect on our hormonal functions.
Complications of radiation include loss of pituitary hormonal function, development of late strokes and vascular malformations, delayed blindness, and development of second tumors within the radiation field.
Usually, a mass will be found located on the sella turcica and loss of hormonal function.