The European ban on American hormone-treated beef has been pending since 1985.
I think many Europeans may share my opinion that hormone-treated beef is a bad idea.
Texas is putting pressure on the Bush Administration to resolve a trade dispute with Europe over hormone-treated beef.
Armed with the new opinion, European trade and health officials said they would extend the ban on hormone-treated beef.
The European Union never complied with a ruling by the trade organization two months ago that its ban on hormone-treated beef was illegal.
American meat manufacturers and Government officials say there is no scientific basis for concerns about the hormone-treated beef.
I think we are going to have problems particularly with hormone-treated beef and genetically modified crops.
It is sometimes slightly more complicated, as demonstrated, for example, by the panel on hormone-treated beef, at which we were unsuccessful.
With regard to hormone-treated beef, there are fundamental issues at stake, such as food safety and the choice of agricultural model.
Washington acted in retaliation for the European Union's decision to ban America's hormone-treated beef.