With him was a preppy in a school blazer and horn rims.
Instead of changing outfits between appearances as the women did, he changed glasses: from horn rims to wire rims.
Was it the guy with the horn rims, Amir?
His hair is brilliantined and swept back; his glasses are old-fashioned black horn rims.
The clerk had his horn rims, one lens catching the light of the lanterns, the other starred and with a shot-hole in the center.
Croaker braked savagely, jammed the heel of his hand against the horn rim, stood on the gas.
These were horn rims the last time you saw me.
The lean man in the horn rims was interested.
Anatole gave me a surprised look over the horn rims and genuine lenses of his new glasses.
A lanky young man in tweeds and horn rims was stuffing pages in a briefcase.