Thousands of children suffer horrendous physical abuse each year.
"My emphasis is and will continue to be on making sure we are doing everything possible to ensure that the horrendous abuses of two and three decades ago never happen again."
The court ruled that the defendant's lawyers had failed to adequately convey to the jury the horrendous abuse Mr. Wiggins endured throughout his childhood.
The real hypocrisy is people whining about Bradley Manning and saying not one thing about the horrendous abuses of human rights perpetrated throughout the world.
Dixon suffered horrendous abuse as a child, according to evidence given at his 2007 Appeal Court hearing.
I'm not unsympathetic to the mainpoint of the piece, but to blame horrendous abuse in prison on the type of acts that get you put there seems to be missing the point somewhat.
Through a flashback, the audience learns the horrendous abuse to which Maggie's mother was subject at the hands of her father.
The committee documented horrendous abuses in three debtors' prisons.
Very soon, President Bush is expected to renew China's favorable trade status for one more year despite Beijing's horrendous abuses of human rights.
Of course, horrendous abuse does occur all too frequently, and at times psychoanalysis has been guilty of overemphasizing psychic reality.