Mr. Clinton is still dusting himself off after his impeachment trial, which he survived, but at a horrendous cost.
Not until we in the media do a better job of reporting the horrendous costs of this unwinnable war will the public consider alternative policies.
The most horrendous cost comes at the end of the line.
While politicians know the cost of education, they have not the slightest idea of its value, or the horrendous cost of ignorance.
Their first problem had been the horrendous cost of importing every ton of needed material from Earth.
And the Americans won just about every confrontation, at horrendous cost in death and destruction, while decisively losing the war.
What a horrendous cost- and that was not a victory, not an end, but only the opening act in this long struggle.
Later, you note the horrendous human cost incurred when the United States "undertakes a war without a rationale."
Alzheimer's families live with horrendous medical costs; when even slight hope does arise, their reaction is feverishly enthusiastic - and often foolhardy.
The horrendous cost of such a project kept it shelved for quite a while, until Westerland was raised to town in 1905.