'What's that horrendous creature you have about your person?'
There was no dragon or bug-eyed monster or other horrendous creature.
It quickly becomes clear to us, though, that none of these horrendous creatures has any Interest in attacking us.
Strange, horrendous creatures began to roam the world by night.
Then he stood there, blinking in shock as he stared down at the most horrendous creature he'd ever seen.
At the entrance to the trollway stood a horrendous creature.
Suddenly, right in front of me, the bushes separated and a most horrendous creature came out.
All I could see with my very own eyes was a horrendous creature advancing on us, ready to tear us apart, limb from limb.
More images passed through the ebony stallion's mind, distorted views of himself as some horrendous creature from the netherworlds.
Alberta then concluded that he needed to kill the possessed girl, who had become a horrendous creature, to avoid a possible contagion.