"Calvin's attack did horrendous damage to the A-frame."
Lance says that the precog indicates even more horrendous damage than the last monsoon flood caused, so Talent has got to give kinetic support.
From a balcony on the top level of the damaged Hall of Parliament, he gazed out at the horrendous damage.
"You have to say that horrendous damage was done to people", said Martin, "Then you need to take steps to ensure this will never happen again."
Agamemnon seethed at the horrendous damage the rebels had already inflicted upon the monuments and magnificent plazas.
It had achieved little of direct military value but it had killed many, caused horrendous damage in city centres and created terror.
The cap on malpractice awards that doctors are demanding would apply even if a doctor caused horrendous damage or death.
Mrs Macdonald, who has lived on the island, said it had clearly suffered "appalling and horrendous damage".
It is vital that the EU and Parliament extend their support to various communities in Ireland who are suffering horrendous damage.
This was the result of being shot repeatedly with a whining noise-gun, causing such horrendous damage that I blacked out.