The lad's speech, moreover, was afflicted with almost none of the horrible accent which so disfigured the Ge'ez of all the other Romans.
In order to create "Van Damme-proof" jokes, one writer "would say them in a really horrible French accent, putting the emphasis on the wrong word".
Something began to get past the fact that the Voroshk had a horrible accent and his grammar was atrocious.
I always thought I would never get into politics because of my horrible accent.
He spoke Forthwegian with a horrible accent.
I read the note to him in my horrible accent and he only looked confused, so I burned it, much to his delight.
I believe it was - allowing for your horrible tall-corn accent.
I believe it was-allowing for your horrible tall-corn accent.
I shouldn't have been surprised at the warrior's horrible accent.
I wondered to myself if he would have been more helpful had I approached the window and just started talking in a horrible fake Australian accent.