He was horribly killed during one of those dissipated sprees of the King's brother and his companions.
He was a judge at a beauty pageant the day his comrades were horribly killed.
If he doesn't get horribly killed first.
The good captain ended up not only being killed horribly, but having his body eviscerated, burned, and boiled into small chunks.
The way that Conrad got horribly killed was sort of funny inretrospect.
For example, should you be horribly killed in the next few hours, we won't feel too bad.
"Assuming we don't get horribly killed in the process," said Hazel.
"Yes, people were killed and injured horribly there," Mr. Wieand said.
If we don't get killed horribly somewhere along the way.
Well, but for a chance, you could have killed or horribly injured three of your friends.