She has also become something of a public laughingstock, which is horribly sad, since she seems to be a woman with a good many problems, and unfortunate, since it diverts attention from the real issues of the case.
At the time, all that black seemed horribly sad and even violent, but it was also a less complicated way of expressing modernism than the geometric shapes of Courrèges and other 60's designers.
He didn't talk, just looked at me, shaking his head, this... horribly sad expression on his face.
I'm glad I came, but it leaves me horribly sad.
It was horribly sad, but not the least bit shameful or scandalous.
I'm horribly sad about it.
It was horribly sad.
It would be a horribly sad sight, for which we would love to buy tickets.
She would use it if she had to, no matter how horribly sad and lonely he looked.
The story is such a horribly sad descent into tragedy.