The plant is closed by the health inspector due to its horrid conditions.
It is no longer a question of getting news out and getting people to see horrid conditions.
The women especially lived in horrid conditions, housed separately from the men in overcrowded, wooden dormitories.
These actions were carried out under horrid conditions.
The people in the streets are the ones who are special, because of their suffering in horrid conditions.
Stories of the horrid conditions from which the Sistine Madonna had been saved began to circulate.
In French Tunisia, a total of five thousand Jews worked in thirty two forced labor camps near the front line, under horrid conditions.
But as she justly points out, black Americans (the term she prefers) have a long tradition of maintaining high standards of manners under horrid conditions.
I'm simply speaking as someone who has seen some pretty horrid conditions in other countries, but never encountered it here.
One victim's recount stated the horrid emotional conditions, "Some people just went crazy.