The feeding dragon evoked scores of horrid tales.
I went for Greenpeace as I couldn't bear to assail my husband with horrid tales of torture etc - better the death of the Baltic (filmed footage of which I have seen) over the dinner table.
The opera is drawn from an 1864 short story by Nikolai Leskov, a horrid tale of Katerina Ismailova, the frustrated, childless, murderous wife of a successful provincial merchant in mid-19th-century Russia.
You tell me an horrid tale of Wieland being led to the destruction of his wife and children, by some mysterious agent.
They had told a horrid tale of the fate of the captured troops, who were beheaded by the Mujahideen.
Oh, the next morning she'd be boasting, telling me horrid tales in order to make me suffer-crossing the bridge and heading over to the colored part of town, things like that.
They then told me a horrid tale of crime and violence.
I have no distractions now to continuing a horrid tale, except that of numb fingers.
Telling us that horrid tale of how Tara had roasted a new born baby on the blade of her sword before its mother's eyes.