I had a horrid vision of what that could mean?
Suddenly a horrid vision came into his mind, as his thoughts burst free from time and slid into the future, which lay quivering before him.
The horrid vision that had filled his mind only moments before continued to burn in his memory.
Keller wanted to shout orders, but the idea of two officers giving directions made a horrid vision of good practice simply shredding.
He paid closer attention as the minstrel began to sing a happier song and hoped the horrid vision would fade.
I had a horrid vision of what that could mean-something like a tank with a cybernetic brain.
He had a sudden, horrid vision of black men and women lined up and made to breathe the stuff.
Feeling his narrow bony arm, Jessie was immediately reminded of her horrid vision the day Tracy had brought her home.
Nothing was left but my own horrid visions of vengeance and death.
Tremblingly I lifted the receiver while horrid visions of calving heifers fload' before me.