Many of the hundreds of people who heard that evidence were in tears as they listened to the horrific accounts by women from many countries.
Perhaps not, but what he told them added a touch of the macabre to an already horrific account.
These sketches create contrasting and horrific accounts of the daily life endured by the common marine.
I do not doubt the truth of your horrific account, Mayori.
The committee said survivors' had given horrific accounts of "repeated, painful, sadistic and humiliating assaults usually carried out in a group setting."
The officer has a lot of horrific accounts of the war, but has since spoken much less about the war.
Their story, previously untold, is one of many horrific accounts that illustrate the extent of Monday night's lawlessness.
Refugees fleeing from North Korea into China have been quoted as giving horrific accounts of mass starvation in their home villages.
Glancy taps into an emotional and horrific, but historically accurate account of what many now refer to as Indian genocide.
The report offers a horrific account of human rights violations.