The note said the United States would have to face the consequences of its "horrific actions against the Palestinian people and Iraqis by its allegiance with the monstrous Israelis."
The family of the two men said that the police raid represented "barbaric and horrific actions", but that an extremist protest would "only give another opportunity for our community to be portrayed in a negative light".
Aremys thought back to Wyl's account of Cailech's horrific actions during the feast, when he had presented the Morgravian prisoners as a dish to his people.
They're capable of horrific actions with no sense of remorse, instilling humans and Inderlanders alike with a healthy respect born in fear.
But the judge also noted that the child pornography photographs that Mr. Pabon sent out were "depictions of crimes against the innocent," showing "illegal, horrific actions."
Hers was an idiot's cruelty, I thought, trying to connect her horrific actions to that bland studio portrait that had come from the cops.
The impending destruction of the socialite's family by her husband's arrest and the financial crisis that accompanies it are what stir her to take horrific action, much like that Commodus takes against his enemies.
I firmly believe that those responsible for such horrific actions must be held to account.
Glossu Rabban was forty-one years old, an adult responsible for his own horrific actions.
"The use of such language" will never ever "legitimise" either such images or the horrific action of the sick individuals who perpetrate it.