After folding into Earth orbit, the Grand Fleet fires on Earth, causing horrific damage - cities, houses, soldiers and children are all vaporized as the 4.8 million ships fire relentlessly.
The Jericho 2 base at Zachariah housed some fifty nuclear missiles; the six in place for a launch were enough to do horrific damage anywhere within a range of fifteen hundred to four thousand kilometers.
The ship had been racked with horrific damage from the assaults of Khan, and now from the Klingons.
This novel explores the horrific mental and emotional damage these boys go through and how they cope with this trauma.
"We're not going to take a chance and try to target any facility that would release any kind of horrific damage to innocent people," Mr. Cohen had said earlier on "Today" on NBC-TV News.
But he added, "Despite the horrific damage he caused, no one deserves to die like this."
Chinese officials are especially sensitive to the potential of tremors to wreak horrific damage since a huge earthquake in Tangshan in 1976 killed an estimated 240,000, one of the worst natural disasters.
She had seen the detailed pictures of his injuries, of the horrific damage to his legs and lower back; had stood there in the background while First Surgeon Chang had explained to Kennedy what needed to be done.
In response to the horrific environmental damage of the postwar era, a broad coalition of Americans began working to represent public health, safety and environmental concerns in all levels of government.
Germany's V-2 rockets were wreaking horrific damage on the city and its suburbs.