Here again Zola touches, in a horrific manner, on the consequences of the excessive consumption of alcohol, a theme common to the entire Rougon-Macquart cycle.
After describing the horrific manner of Edmund's death, the Passio continued the story.
Trujillo's primary concern is preventing more examples of the thousands of women who have been raped and then murdered, often in an horrific manner, over the last decade.
Janice's mother was a tiny thing and exhausted-looking, understandable after raising eight children and then losing one in such a horrific manner.
At the end of every show, the presenters "killed" the radio and TV presenter Neil Fox in a horrific and painful manner.
This is particularly true of Sir Rowland Trenchard, whom Wild murders in a horrific manner.
"The judge, in convicting and sentencing the accused, ought to have placed more weight on the horrific manner in which he died."
This was brought home in a horrific manner when terrible deeds in Belgium were made known to us all.
In July 2004, married life ended in a horrific manner.
Blood sacrifice is practiced as often as practical, in as painful and horrific manner as the priests' creativity allows.