Lately he has asked more than once why Laurel can't come up with her own horrific tales of childhood trauma.
Mr. Harris said he had taken Christina away after the girl came to him with horrific tales of family abuse.
Tens of thousands of people have shared their horrific tales on these sites.
Fewer than a hundred Roamer refugees had survived, bringing back horrific tales and images.
Each day's news brings with it yet another horrific tale of children being starved, ignored or beaten by parents.
She had heard horrific tales of the way prisoners had been dealt with in the Vend6e and feared the worst.
"A student came to me with horrific tales of brutal family abuse that lasted over years and years," he said before turning himself in.
Mr. Simpatico was working on a dramatization of the horrific tale.
So why do so many prostitutes tell such horrific tales of abuse?
We all know the horrific tale of the Aral Sea.