Then, aeons later in Wesley-time, but a bare instant later by the standard chronometer, the most horrific thought occurred to him.
Alex shuddered, worried by the horrific thoughts that had been coming into her mind recently.
"Imagining yourself plunging towards a cold, watery grave in the middle of the Atlantic is a pretty horrific thought but they seemed very blasé about it."
He even witnesses Mary saying that the two of them are married - a horrific thought for Norris.
That in itself led to horrific thoughts.
What a horrific thought!
I had had nothing but my own cooking or Powl's (horrific thought) for three years.
He stared at the constable, a horrific thought growing in his head.
She paused, a new horrific thought taking shape in her mind.
It is a horrific thought, but it seems that some are considering this as a solution instead of helping these unfortunates live as normally as possible.