But he added quickly, noting the horrified reaction, "the container never touches my lips - I just lift it high and pour."
John would have been amused at the horrified reaction of the other males, if he had not been so shocked himself.
One episode suggests that despite their parents' horrified reaction to their war games, Jewish children might eventually learn to become killers themselves.
He'd thought it was her horrified reaction after realizing his identity.
His horrified reaction was the first time Sharina recalled hearing something that could be described as high dudgeon.
This was true, though I would have enjoyed a more horrified reaction.
After the first horrified reaction - "Not again!"
Every muscle in her body tensed, waiting for his horrified reaction.
"I never imagined that one might," Shakti said dryly, not understanding the captain's horrified reaction.
Alice looked deflated, as if she had expected a more horrified reaction.