Marius was gazing down at me, with a set, horror-stricken face.
Anna focused her eyes on them and smiled at their horror-stricken faces.
A crowd had gathered in the car-park, many with dressing gowns and coats thrown hastily over night attire; horror-stricken faces staring up at him.
Panamon made no move, but only sat there staring into the unfortunate fellow's horror-stricken face.
He was staring into Phil's crushed, horror-stricken face only centimeters away.
Recoiling first, then looking upward, Ambrose was standing with horror-stricken face.
Maxil turned a horror-stricken face to me.
Now our prisoner sat up, looked round him with a horror-stricken face, and passed his hand over his forehead, like one who cannot believe his own senses.
Challick, with a display of unusual strength, caught the man's body with his right arm, and eased Wyngarth's horror-stricken face forward on the table.
I thought of my mother's horror-stricken face, her screaming, echo- ing in the little chamber.