They collaborated on a horse sculpture whose body is a tanner's cart found in a building Mr West has drawn.
Ancient Chinese horse sculptures are showing up all over.
Today, Tang pottery pieces are the most valued of Chinese horse sculptures.
The city supported the proposed designation but it was never actually made, and around that time the horse sculptures were vandalized, their ears broken off.
Her current project is a book about a horse sculpture built recently based on the directives of Leonardo da Vinci.
Her research has taken her to Milan for the official unveiling of the horse sculpture.
In eleven of the cases, there were horse sculptures that commemorated the strange ending to the story.
A horse sculpture from the 2nd century may represent a cult statue.
In this show of two life-size and four half-size horse sculptures, however, another factor diminishes the effect of the work.
As part of the exhibits, local artists decorated fiberglass horse sculptures.