At first the settlements seemed deserted as the horses sped by.
At once the white horse sprang away and sped along the last lap of the Road.
It burst asunder, and the black horse sped on, while its rider yelled: "Fall in behind me!
Her vision was restricted to the sunldappled blur of ground and tree trunks as the horse sped on.
Of its own accord, the horse sped into a trot and then a gallop down the path.
The horses sped to a canter as Clevin looked up, met Maia's eyes, and started to raise a hand.
Its permanent exhibition describes the earliest days of racing in Colonial America, when horses sped along irregular paths through the woods.
Serenity felt the impact of her body striking the ground as the horse sped on without her.
Shonsu's surprise attack very nearly succeeded-it would have done, had he thought to use horses to speed his approach.
Buyers and sellers all appeared to know each other, and there were shouts of encouragement or criticism as horse and rider sped by.