Only Charles's brief fling with a rich, feckless white woman from a horsy set seems tacked onto the book without much reason.
They were the original outfitters to the horsy set.
The horsy set will call it home.
Simpson notes that it appeared in the Pony Club Annual, a publication for the horsy set, in 1982: "What a brill idea."
Styles range from high-1950's Miami Beach Moderne to traditional tailoring suitable for the horsy set.
Designers are catching on to what the horsy set has long known: that riding clothes are comfortable, stylish and flattering.
After that exhibition, Kelso was no stranger among the horsy set as he showed up and showed off for equine charitable causes.
Rural chic of the pretend horsy set.
The horsy set offers state politicians tons of campaign cash and a chance to hang out at Saratoga with some of the richest swells in the country.
At Miller's, boothorns aplenty for the horsy set.