Due to this horticultural interest, at 15 he took a part-time job at a local florist's shop.
Typical articles include matters of horticultural interest, field reports, and plant descriptions.
Two species are of horticultural interest, having particularly showy blossoms with bright pink/purple bracts.
Elwes' horticultural interests largely concentrated on bulbs, and he was said to have the finest collection in private hands.
In general, Magnolia is a genus which has attracted a lot of horticultural interest.
The money went immediately to her horticultural interests.
What began as friendship based on their common horticultural interest blossomed into love, and they were married in 1918.
This is a plant of horticultural interest, but has close affinities, botanically, with H. coccineum.
"with a view of developing more thoroughly the agricultural and horticultural interests"
Typical articles included matters of horticultural interest, field reports, and scientific studies.