They did a very good job on seasonal merchandise, like horticultural products.
Spanish fruits and horticultural products are easily found all over Portugal's hypermarket and supermarket chains.
Dealing in agricultural, horticultural or forestry products.
Mallory was selected for this position on the basis of his expertise in analysis of horticultural products.
Kenya's chief exports are horticultural products and tea.
Suttons Seeds is a long established supplier of seeds, bulbs, and other horticultural products.
There is no sense denying that agreements of this kind will cause problems for the European Union as regards horticultural products.
Recently it has expanded into mail order sales of horticultural products and food.
Jackfruit and pineapple top the list of horticultural products.
Despite losing acreage, Suffolk farms still produce the most agriculture dollars of any county in the state, including 60 percent of the horticultural products.