One reason for Japanese success in agriculture lay in their mastery of intensive agricultural and horticultural techniques that were part of their heritage.
They introduced new and profitable horticultural techniques and developed improved varieties of vegetables and fruits for the nation's dinner tables.
The second week focused on developing conservation programs, exploring horticultural techniques, education, interpretation, funding, volunteer conservation programs and opportunities for partnerships.
However, with improved horticultural techniques, such as the use of clonal elite material, pruning and fertilization, much higher yields could be achieved.
A variety of a plant produced and maintained by horticultural techniques and not normally found in wild populations (Allaby 1998).
He returned to China in 1995, starting his orchid business in Shenyang using modern horticultural techniques learned from the Netherlands.
A few horticultural staff have published articles in the horticultural press, but none have written books on horticultural techniques, plant groups or management practices.
Monasteries carried on a tradition of garden design and intense horticultural techniques during the medieval period in Europe.
Home Gardener, featuring many experts in the field demonstrating proper horticultural technique.
Monks developed horticultural techniques, and cultivated herbs, fruits and vegetables.