Susan showed him how to do hospital corners when making the beds.
The horizontal pages are full of daylight, and every drawing is arranged so neatly it looks as if it has hospital corners.
He dressed and made the bed, tightening the sheets, making careful hospital corners, smoothing the quilt over the pillows.
They make their beds with hospital corners.
They had to polish the fish knives, scrape the marmalade off the table cloth and do the hospital corners before elevenses.
Make proper hospital corners, or one of you will be falling out in the middle of the night.
There, the hotel executive who was said to castigate maids whose "hospital corners" were off by a millimeter may have to make her own bed.
Made up the new bed with taut surfaces and sharp hospital corners.
There are different techniques, such as "hospital corners" and "mitred corners".
Someone had taught her how to make hospital corners.