In this position, Golston managed the whole of hospital finance, including accounting, risk management, compliance, debt, and some $400 million in hospital investments.
Residency training is a balancing of resident education, patient care and hospital finances.
He brought Manitoba into the modern era, with desired changes in education, hospital finance, roads, social assistance and flood protection.
The offer to support hospital finances "offset my ideological concerns when I realized that a material improvement would occur for patients we serve," he said.
During the war the Coalition government produced a plan to reorganise completely the chaotic system of hospital finance and provision.
That change was carried into effect on I July 1948 and remains the basis for hospital finance today.
He cited the failure of the Governor and legislative leaders to promise to hold a special session to deal with hospital finances.
Many of the Columbia employees who have been subpoenaed hold jobs directly related to hospital finances or reimbursement from Federal programs like Medicare.
This can be significant in an era of precarious hospital finances.
The aims made sense, but hospital finances are not based on achieving them, and the board wasn't sure about asking payers to change that.