She had persuaded the number out of the hospital switchboard at the clinic.
A woman at the hospital switchboard said, "We're very sorry, but we have no comment."
Several days I haven't even been even able to get an answer from the hospital central switchboard.
She had given it only to a very few acquaintances and the hospital switchboard.
The girl at the hospital switchboard answered at last.
When Richard reached the hospital switchboard to ring his home number, he got a busy signal.
The hospital switchboard put her through to Mark's room in a matter of seconds.
"He can take calls, but it's slow and they have to come in through the hospital switchboard."
We got a leased line to the hospital switchboard for Lecter's convenience in the future, so that won't get by us again.
The line was direct to the outside, and tapping in through the hospital switchboard would've taken at least two hours and involved other people.