Twelve other firefighters also suffered injuries in the blaze but were not hospitalized overnight, the officials said.
During that period, one golfer fainted on the course and was hospitalized overnight.
He was hospitalized overnight, but Ranger Parr said he suffered only minor cuts and bruises.
Steve Dils was hospitalized overnight after a hard hit left him disoriented.
The female pledges were forced to drink liquor shots in a series of houses, and one student briefly lost consciousness and was hospitalized overnight.
Sandstrom, a right wing, suffered a concussion and was hospitalized overnight.
It was the second time in three years that Steinbrenner had to be hospitalized overnight, raising new concerns about his health.
Mr. Morrison suffered a concussion and was hospitalized overnight, but he managed to snap photographs of three of his assailants - one black, two white.
Only one of these, Steven Baker, identified as chairman of the Lanka Bell telephone company, was hospitalized overnight.
Fifteen were hospitalized overnight.