After they dispersed, the host announced to everyone that a crime had been committed and a police detective was on the way.
The host will announce only the winner of the show.
At that moment the host came back to the table and announced, "More of your party have arrived, gentlemen."
"Dinner will be ready in about ten minutes," the host announced.
One was set to be eliminated, but the host announced that the audience could vote for their favorite duo until the final.
The host announces the category for the final round, and gives each team a copy of the Bible.
The hosts announced in the grand finals of Season 2 that the show will return again within two weeks.
On May 22, 2008, the hosts announced that the show was at its end.
However, on the September 20, 2007 episode, the host announced that the viewers could still continuously watch the game show.
At the end of the show, the host announce which contestants have the lowest points.