The state is divided into regions, with regional groups hosting yearly fundraisers.
They host many dances and fundraisers for the school.
Throughout the 1980s, Peebles hosted numerous political fundraisers for local mayoral, city council and presidential candidates.
It is also actively involved in the community by hosting fundraisers and producing performances for local schools.
The clubs also host fundraisers for themselves and local charities throughout the school year.
The museum has hosted political fundraisers, community festivals, and various events serving the black community.
The 1686 House has hosted political fundraisers for New Hampshire primary candidates.
Emanuel has hosted fundraisers for the Democratic Party.
Prominent casino architect Paul Steelman and his wife have hosted fundraisers at their home to support the orchestra.
Other donations come from volunteers who host fundraisers, partnerships with businesses and corporations; and individual donations made directly to the foundation.