With a hostile faction's vehicle, the player can infiltrate enemy outposts.
The second was to create a buffer zone between the hostile factions.
Security: The goal here is to never permit hostile factions to acquire a military, political, or informational advantage.
He has become increasingly concerned about events in Nicaragua, and is expected to make special efforts to push hostile factions toward some form of political accord.
Another change is that ballet and modern-dance groups are less divided into distinct or hostile factions.
Players can request military assistance from their allies, or attempt to end declarations of war with hostile factions.
Martyrs do wonders for unity; the brotherhood of death can weld hostile factions together.
Territory capture levels where the player is pitted against just one hostile faction.
At the start of the twentieth century, the people of Ireland were divided into two mutually hostile factions.
Whether this was a genuine attempt to reconcile with hostile factions in the Senate cannot be ascertained.