"Yes," Marplon replied as he moved the kettle from the hot burner.
Turn off heat, wrap lid in a kitchen towel, replace lid, and let saucepan rest on hot burner for 10 minutes.
The stove, both round burners uncovered and red hot, seemed to shimmer.
Put the kettle back on the hot burner but do not turn on the heat.
It was completely unexpected, though, and Mincio jerked back as if from a hot burner.
How fast would you learn to get your hand off a hot burner if it took a year to feel the pain?
The pizzelle iron is held by hand over a hot burner on the stovetop, although some models are electric and require no stove.
Lois notices his powers have returned when she sees his hand on the hot burner.
At first it sounded uncannily like the whistle of a teakettle on a hot burner.
If you want to burn your own music CD's, this is a hot burner.