Unfortunately, they followed that hot start with a 12-game skid in May.
With the same coaching staff in place from 1989, the Dynamite got off to a hot 4-1 start during the 1990 season.
On the ice, the team couldn't match the hot start from 1992-93, and quickly dropped to 3-12-2 by early November.
He got off to a hot start and on August 1, he had 42 home runs.
After a hot start, that $4 million fund finished 2000 down 1.4 percent for the year.
The 2006-2007 season looked to be another promising year with the women getting off to a hot start.
This was back when his dream season looked like a "hot start".
The hot start helped the Nets jump to a 19-9 lead.
Columbia got off to a hot start in a wild first half.
Each unit was designed to "hot" start within 20 or 30 minutes.