"The union has made ridiculous demands, the hotels are taking a tough stance and a big fight seems inevitable," said one hotel consultant who insisted on anonymity.
Guests now demand good service, said Bjorn Hansen, a hotel consultant with PricewaterhouseCoopers.
Repeat business is crucial to independent hotels, said Sean Hennessey, a hotel consultant.
Outraged customers with legitimate complaints first need to inform the proper person, which is the property manager, the hotel consultants say.
But the experience, hotel consultants say, was ripe with possibilities.
The appointment by Hilton surprised analysts and hotel consultants, but they agreed that it was a good choice for the company.
Stanley Turkel, a hotel consultant in New York, also said that hotels lose money on food and beverages, except for banquets.
Mr. McConnell, the hotel consultant, agrees there is a need.
Scott Woods, a 38-year-old hotel consultant, rents one of the row houses for $1,400 a month.
Many of these hotels are currently charging individual travelers $90 to $130 a night, hotel consultants say.