The bus trip and hotel in Washington will cost about $1,600 from a football budget of only $2,000.
The hotels included here cost from $108 to $145 for a double with bath and breakfast.
The hotel and associated facilities will cost $91 million.
The two hotels combined would have 500 rooms and cost a total of $172 million.
The hotel cost $14 million to build and contained 1,136 guest rooms.
That is less than half what hotels have been costing the government in a typical month.
"In New York, a hotel like this would cost three times as much."
If booked directly, the hotels alone would have cost about £500 at this time of year.
Usually hotels(decent ones) in Taiwan costs about $3000-$6000 a night.
Ms. Burke said the two hotels will cost about $14 million to build.