This notion became a hotly discussed topic in Japan.
The resolution set off a maelstrom of media criticism and ignited a hotly discussed national debate.
Some of these principles, while still tentative, are hotly discussed in the field.
The beginnings of the center were rough and the reasons for its existence were hotly discussed.
Deficiencies, reform and regulation of the GFS have been hotly discussed in recent years.
She was one of the most vivid and hotly discussed literary figures of her generation.
As World War I approached, the question was hotly discussed in Italy as to which side to be on.
His dual citizenship of the U.S. and Japan became a hotly discussed issue during his election campaign.
Even after the high court ruled, the issue was hotly discussed for years.
Both Lincoln and his speech, as well as the successfully concluded convention, were being hotly discussed in the dining room.