"hotter" in Polish — inglés-Polish dictionary | Mirar "hotter" in inglés


  1. złodziej sportowych aut slang

hot , **** , also: hawt AmE dialect

the image to "hot" in Polish the image to "hot" in Polish
Gradation: hotter comparativo, the hottest superlativo
  1. gorący
    Be careful - the pot is still hot.
    You look hot, have you been running?
    The weather was hot, so we went to the beach.
    antonym: cold
    consulta también: fiery
  2. pikantny (mocno przyprawiony)
    This soup is very hot, could you give me something to drink?
    Don't add chilli if you don't want the sauce to be hot.
    link synonym: spicy
  3. kontrowersyjny, gorący (np. temat) informal
    That's a very hot topic, you should write an article about it.
    We won't discuss these hot topics.
    consulta también: heated, burning, biting
  4. wyśmienity, świetny (np. nowy film) informal
    The new Tarantino movie is hot!
    "How was the film?" "It was hot!"
  5. seksowny, gorący (atrakcyjny seksualnie) informal
    That chick is hot!
    My teacher is hot, but she's 10 years older than me.
    consulta también: passionate, intense
  6. niebezpieczny
    This trail is hot, are you sure you want to take it?
    It will be a hot journey, are you ready?
  7. gorący, ożywiony (np. o dyskusji)
    The discussion was very hot.
    We engaged in a hot conversation.
  8. kradziony, skradziony informal
    His car was hot, so he was afraid of driving it.
    Are these the hot bicycles?
  9. pasjonujący (np. muzyka) informal
    This band's music is hot, I can't stop listening to them.
    This scientific article is hot.
Gradation: hotter comparativo, the hottest superlativo
  1. gorąco (np. "tutaj jest za gorąco")
    Is it hot outside?
    It's too hot in here.
    I'm hot.

hot , ****

  1. twardy, bezlitosny
    You have to be hot in order to survive.
    Don't you think you are too hot to him?
  2. obcykany, oblatany, łebski slang
    He's hot, he can help you with everything.
    You should ask your sister for advice, she's hot.
  3. radioaktywny slang
    Don't touch this substance, it's hot, you'll burn your arm.
    I hope the spider that bit you was not hot.

Frases relacionadas — "hotter"

red-hot = mocny, intensywny (o uczuciu)
red-hot = popularny (o osobie), rozchwytywany (o rzeczy)
oven-hot = gorący (dosł. gorący jak piekarnik)
phrasal verb
Consulta también: hotter than ever