By the time the two hours allotted for public remarks had ended with the 62nd speaker, not a single Bush supporter had spoken.
Several were still swamped at 7 p.m., and forced to stay open well beyond the 12 hours allotted for voting.
He spoke for nearly a half hour, well beyond the normally allotted 5 or 10 minutes for guest speakers.
However, he still studied during the two hours allotted each day for the eating of his meals.
In the four hours allotted for his opening speech on Tuesday, he is expected to deliver a highly personal review of Balkan politics and history.
Republicans controlled half of the 21 hours allotted for the resolution, and almost all of them support the president.
Far from it-we have left just eight of the hours allotted to us.
Ms. Dumitriu said that in the six hours allotted, she had time to do 8 of the 12 problems, each worth a maximum of 10 points.
Diplomats said they would be watching body language closely, since little concrete was likely to be accomplished in the few hours allotted for the meeting.
The 50 hours allotted for the debate ended Wednesday evening with at least two dozen amendments still pending.