She spent many hours researching her favorite comedians, including Woody Allen and Jack Benny.
He went birding on weekends and vacations, often working in his study to late hours researching his books.
During this unemployment period, Cantu spent hundreds of hours researching new technologies that he would patent and eventually integrate into his new restaurant.
He said he recently spent 10 hours researching planes on the Web because Hancock invests in that industry.
Some sales can take up to a year and sellers report spending anywhere between 1-5 hours researching each company that is viewed as a potential prospect for sponsorship.
When planning my trips abroad, I normally spend many hours researching the country I am about to visit.
On top of that, the impending arrival of Halloween gives me a great excuse to spend my working hours researching zombies, werewolves and ghosts.
I've spent the past five hours researching an imaginary article that was dreamed up by a delusional woman who would probably rather take her own life than admit she's wrong.
Rasberry estimates that he has spent over 2000 hours researching them.
I asked, "Have you spent three hours researching me?"